© 2022 Chris Morgan (do not hold it against me) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to appreciate the author’s refined sense of humour, for up to but not exceeding five (5) minutes’ duration. Any subsequent merriment may only be had upon expressing this amusement to the author in word or currency. All other rights are reserved. You are not given leave to actually use whatever this is. Look, I’d sell you a license to use it for a thousand Australian dollars, but I must confess that this isn’t my best code. You could hire me to do better if you like: https://chrismorgan.info/hire-me/ THE SOFTWARE IS WARRANTED UNMERCHANTABLE, AND UNFIT FOR ANY PURPOSE SAVE HUMOUR, AND EVEN THAT MAY BE DEBATED. IF YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE, YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GET; I MAY BE LIABLE TO LAUGH IF I HEAR, BUT THAT IS THE FULL EXTENT OF MY LIABILITY. DAMAGES ARE ON YOU. (Apologies to the MIT license, whence I lifted the most.)