.PHONY: help build test build-javascript build-python test-javascript test-rust test-python javascript-sizes help: @echo "No default thing to make, please choose something (e.g. test)." build: build-javascript build-python test: test-javascript test-rust test-python # Requires npm to be installed locally. build-javascript: cd javascript && \ rm -f tesid-*.tgz tesid.min.js typescript-tests.js && \ npm pack # Requires python and python-build to be installed locally. build-python: cd python && python -m build # Requires npm and tsc to be installed locally. test-javascript: cd javascript && npm run test # Requires rustup, a nightly toolchain, clippy on the default toolchain, and cargo-msrv. test-rust: cd rust && ./test # Requires mypy to be installed locally. test-python: cd python/src && python -m unittest && mypy . # Requires npm and zopfli to be installed locally. javascript-sizes: @# See https://github.com/terser/terser/issues/496 about wrap_func_args=false; disabling a Terser misfeature to save two bytes. npx terser --module --compress --mangle --format wrap_func_args=false --output javascript/tesid.min.js -- javascript/tesid.js @echo "min = $$(wc -c