# This file helps identify dependencies owned by known # and reputable authors. # # List usernames of crates.io users line by line to # make them count as "known owners" in `crev verify` # output. # # Remember that `crev` has no way to verify information # returned by crates.io, or if the crate was in fact # published by their real owners. This feature is only # meant to help identify crates that should be reviewed # and verified first, and might be removed in the future. aaronepower alexcrichton amanieu bluss brendanzab burntsushi BurntSushi bvssvni byron carllerche cramertj ctz cuviper dhardy dtolnay erickt fitzgen gankro Geal gnzlbg guillaumegomez hauleth huonw ivanukhov jackpot51 japaric kbknapp killercup kimundi kwantam lifthrasiir matthewkmayer matthiasbeyer mitsuhiko mvdnes newpavlov nikomatsakis nox pitdicker pnkfelix reem retep998 seanmonstar sergiobenitez sfackler simonsapin softprops stebalien steveklabnik stjepang strake tailhook tomaka tyoverby vks withoutboats github:rust-lang:libs github:rust-lang-nursery:log-owners github:rust-random:maintainers github:rust-lang-nursery:libs