1 ----- BEGIN CREV PROOF -----
4 date: "2022-01-08T02:03:54.105679370+11:00"
7 id: QE5OVlHZ4QyOcMqdjXhS1MgsoZHvUqxOHNZwyfpsDIU
8 url: "https://git.chrismorgan.info/crev-proofs"
10 source: "https://crates.io"
13 revision: 67417456c81ccc241cb0e7257d6ca3a955e1d29e
14 digest: mM9owAVRQvXct8MS3WF2Fw8WZPgSv6lpM1WdjxWwwyQ
20 I wrote this carefully. It’s well-documented, well-tested, and robust against
21 panicking except as documented (Verhoeff::calculate_verhoeff_check_digit or
22 verhoeff::calculate, on invalid input). Actually, I realised while writing
23 this review that VerhoeffMut::push_verhoeff_check_digit is also panicky
24 because it calculates a check digit, but I don’t think that warrants reducing
25 the rating from strong to positive, so here we are. (I’ve pushed an
26 appropriate change, but I don’t think it warrants even a 1.0.1 release.)
27 ----- SIGN CREV PROOF -----
28 LJ2SYWIPHSNC49lmO1Bd4hGDAvT8lm-I4heOGrtdZPIRcDoOw2e9P4YxtKT_72r1Qwm3UfnpkCJqtM1UBkfkCw
29 ----- END CREV PROOF -----