RUSTC ?= rustc RUSTDOC ?= rustdoc RUSTFLAGS ?= -O RUST_REPOSITORY ?= ../rust RUST_CTAGS ?= $(RUST_REPOSITORY)/src/etc/ctags.rust all: anymap docs test # Recursive wildcard function # rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) \ $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)) SRC := $(call rwildcard,src/,*.rs) LIB := target/$(shell rustc --crate-file-name src/ --crate-type rlib) ifeq ($(LIB),target/) # We may not have rustc or the file may be broken. # But don't break the rules on that account. LIB := target/libanymap.dummy endif anymap: $(LIB) $(LIB): $(SRC) @mkdir -p target/ $(RUSTC) $(RUSTFLAGS) src/ --out-dir=target -L target doc/anymap/index.html: $(SRC) $(RUSTDOC) src/ -L target target/test: $(SRC) $(RUSTC) $(RUSTFLAGS) --test -o target/test src/ -L target target/quicktest: $(SRC) $(RUSTC) --test -o target/quicktest src/ -L target # There are no tests to run this way at present. It’s all doctests. # test: anymap doctest target/test # target/test --test test: anymap doctest bench: anymap target/test target/test --bench doctest: $(SRC) $(LIB) $(RUSTDOC) -L target --test src/ # Can't wait for everything to target, optimised too? OK, you can save some time here. quicktest: target/quicktest target/quicktest --test docs: doc/anymap/index.html clean: rm -rf target/ doc/ TAGS: $(SRC) ctags -f TAGS --options="$(RUST_CTAGS)" --language=rust -R src/ .PHONY: all docs clean test doctest quicktest anymap